Saturday 17 December 2011

Quick Post

Busy, busy, busy ... ...
Hope u guys still with me.
A quick post on my trip to Langkawi as I mentioned in previous post.

Some souvenirs from the LIMA 2011.

 Pins from Airbus

Pin from The Air Force, Singapore
I will post the pictures on the airshows in future.
Work, work work ... ...
Cheers... ...


Friday 25 November 2011

Uni Life 6

Busy week.
Attend my youngest sister's convocation at KTAR last Saturday.
Have a nice walk insde the college compound.

Congratz, my sister.
I will attend your advanced diploma graduation as well.
Make sure you get your chartered accountant later. Haha.

Still busy with my FYP.
Yeah, I gonna to have a 4 days trip to Langkawi early next month.
The great thing is all is FOC as it is sponsored by the University.
The main purpose of the trip is to attend Langkawi International Marinetime and Aerospace, LIMA exhibition.
Hope can hunt a good job there. Good luck :]

Finally, can relax for a while and update my blog.

Cheers... ...

Sunday 13 November 2011

Uni Life 5

Back to U.
'Warm up' now.
Going to be busy like hell.

Gambateh... ...
Received reply for an interview session from a good company.
Good luck for the interview.

Cheers... ...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Life 9: Home Sweet Home

Home sweet home. Hehe... ...

Holiday mood.
So lazy to do anything.
Haiz…… But still better have to do some.
So, I will not be busy like hell when the break end.

Actually, my Uni smester break is just three days.
It is true.

Luckily my lecturer is kind enough to cancel and replace the Thursday and Friday classes on the other days.
Then, I have one week break. Hohoho……

 It seems like I am addicted to gay porn liao!
Cause I am too relax at home.
Sleeping, eating, and ... ...  Haha

Cheers ... ...

Thursday 27 October 2011

Uni Life 4

Why? I am working so hard all the time.
Why? I am always pushing myself to the limit.
What I am searching for?

Good future with

I am a bit loss now.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

孤单, 想念





爸爸, 我真的很想你!

P.s: The atmospheres which full with fireworks here really make me feel like Chinese New Year. Written at 12.00a.m.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Uni Life 3

Having a short course today and tomorrow.
It is compulsory and I have to spend my whole weekend for the course.
Haiz, thought it will be very boring but something happens to me today.

Firstly, it is a course for the entire faculty’s undergraduates.
It means that I am going to meet with other guys from other courses as well. Hehe… …J
There is a guy who had to be my classmate for an elective subject that I took as well last two semester ago.
Today, I am attracted by him.
Not by his outlook.
He is sitting with his friends which are just one row in front of me.
He is so playful that put his hand on his friend’s shoulder,
Sometimes, cross his leg on his friend’s thigh,
Sometimes, whisper something at his friend’s ear,
And some more but quite difficult for me to describe here.
Those actions just like the other couples will do.
Ya, I haven’t mention that it is a guy sits beside him.
All the scenes give me a sense that are they a couple?

Then, I am thinking how nice if I have a boyfriend like him that can tease me when I feel bored.
But don’t too much lah.
Besides, I am attracted by his broad smile when he is having some jokes with his friends.
I am even thinking of him now. Haha… …
He is so different from others.
I am not thinking of having sex with him but wanna having a relationship with him.
Going to meet him again tomorrow, hehe… …

Guys, is it a crush? @.@

Cheers… …

Thursday 20 October 2011

Uni Life 2

Writting my design report now.
I am the only one at that level of my Uni IT centre.

Have a one day industrial visit with my class mate to Melaka yesterday.
Nice and fun.
Although I have been going to Melaka a few times before, this time I am more enjoying it.
The reason is I am mixing around and following those of my playful Indian friends.
I am so "1 Malaysia" ho :]
They all are smart and intelligence although they are playful.
Their philosophy is "work hard, play hard"
And it is my first time to play snooker.
So innocent, right.

It is nice to have a short trip as it does help me to recharge and refresh my minds.
Early wishing:
"Happy Deepavali"

Cheers... ...

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Uni Life

I know it is quite weird to post a blog around 5 in the morning!
The resaon is really unbelievable for me to have internet access in my hostel room.
However, it is only available on the off-peak period.

Studying now :(
The uni life becomes more and more hectic as it approaches the season for tests.
Projects, assignments and tests are coming in all the time without any break.

It's graduation season.
Congratulation to all my graduated friends.
Good luck!!!

Me, still have one more year to go. 
It is a four years course.
Need to work hard for the gold medal.

Still single and alone all the time.
Congratz to those bloggers that have found their loved one.

Cheers... ...

Friday 16 September 2011

Life 8

Back to Uni.
All back to normal.
I gonna be very busy for this semester.
The reason is I need to do my final year thesis start from now.
So, sorry guys.
My blog will not be updated so frequently.

I need to prepare myself and be ready for all the challenges throughout my study this year.
Go! Go! Go! Kyan……


Thursday 8 September 2011

Love 2

Remember my 'love one' that I mentioned before.
I miss him again :(

His recent posts on fb make me confuse about his sexuality.

Should I ask him?
But, I cann't do that cause I promised not to disturb him anymore.
The reason is I told him before that I like him.
Then, he didn't reply me anymore cause he is a straight???
Me, crazy right!
What should I do?

I donn't have the courage to chat with him on fb anymore. Haiz......
Help! Help! Help!

Monday 5 September 2011

Life 7

 I am just lazy to blog last few days. >.<
The reason is finally I finished my industrial training on last week &
 I am at my hometown now for barely a week rest before my new semester starts.
Time flies, it is my final year!

An adventurous week @.@

25 August 2011 (Thursday):
My boss came back and called me to his office and asked me to report to him on those tasks that he ordered me to work on before.

Oh no, I am too honest that I was telling him I had submitted my report to the university.

Boss:     Why you didn’t let me gone through it before you submitted the report? Why you didn’t report to me on your progress on works? I know you’re really initiative in doing the works given. You’re working hard. But, you cannot keep working on your own works and do not report to others.  Remember you are working in a group.

Me:      ……

Boss:   You need to ask the works from others as well. Ok. Please send me the softcopy of the report that you hand in to your lecturer.

Me:      Ok. Sorry, I know my mistakes now.

Deng, deng,deng,deng something gonna happen.

Boss:    KXXX YXX, could you please come to my office now!

Me:      Yes.

Boss:    I want you to get back all the physical copies of your report that you have send out as soon as           possible. Do you know some of the information that you included in the report are confidential and company’s proprietary.  You may be charged if those important information leak to other competitors.

Me:      (Sweating) Ok. Ok. I will call my lecturer now.

Boss:    Please let me know when you can get back the physical copies. As soon as possible. Don’t be innocent. All the companies are the same. Hope you learn the lesson.

Me:     Ok.

Me, Rush out from the office and called back to Malaysia.
Thanks, God.
My lecturer hasn’t back to Raya.
He asks me back to Uni tomorrow morning and collects the reports.

Not choice, I have to take leave on Friday and back to Malaysia.
Rush back to Malaysia and Uni after working that day.
Me like joining ‘Amazing Race’.

26 August 2011 (Friday):
Back to Uni on the early morning.
On the way, I receive a call from my third uncle.
Oh no, my second uncle just passed away in the hospital.

27/28 August 2011 (Saturday & Sunday)
Attending my uncle’s funeral ceremony.
Staying at his house.

29 August 2011 (Monday)
Back to Singapore and hand in the report to my boss.
Continue working.
Rush back to Malaysia cause need to attend the funeral again.

30 August 2011 (Tuesday) Hari Raya Aidilfitri:
Send my uncle’s to the crematory.
End of my uncle’s life journey.
Bye, uncle. You are always in my mind.
Maybe, he is meeting with my father now.

Back to Singapore again at night.
Spend the last few days in the company on preparing my presentation to the general manager.
Sorry to say he is an old American guy.

31 August/1-2 September 2011:
Work! Work! Work!

Finally, I can pull through the week.
Have a good rest at home now :]


Wednesday 31 August 2011

Life 6

Choas! Panic! All in a mess!!!
Those are my feelings on all events that I went through last week.

I have too many things to post right now but my mood is not there. 
So, just wanna say hi to you guy.
I really hope 'my love one' is around me and and cheer me up.
All the details will be posted when I have the mood and time.


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Life 5

Finally, I went swimming with my cousin sister at one of the sports complex in Singapore yesterday evening.
It is already in my mind to have some sports after working at least once or twice in a week.
I am afraid of swimming alone because I know I will keep looking at those guys all the time.
So, I need somebody to look after me and keeps my mind clean from those dirty thinkings.
Haha...... What a lame excuse.

The sport complex is big as it consists of four swimming pools.  
Two for children and two for adults. 
One of the adult's swimming pools is Olympic sized swimming pool.
The nice thing is that the entrence fee is just 1 dollar per person 0.0!!!
 It opens from 8.00am - 9.30pm (Friday to Wednesday & Public Holidays) & 2.30pm - 9.30pm (Thursday).
I guess the morning time of every Thursday is the time for them to clean the pools.
That is the reason why it is close on Thursday morning. 
Anyway, I had a good time on swimming there.
So, me and my cousin plan to swim again tomorrow. Hehe......

After swimming, we go for dinner.
It is just a normal Korean/Japanese style of dinner set.
For me, the food is quite nice although it looks simple.

Mine: Chicken and Salmon Karaage Bento

Cousin: No name cause I forgot the menu>.< It is scallop and chicken.
The difference of mine with my cousin is she gets an extra dessert which is actually a steamed egg pudding.
If I am not mistaken.
Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures.
They are taken with my handphone which passes down from my brother.
You know, I know lah. 


Monday 22 August 2011

Final Coutdown

9 more days to the end of my life in Singapore >.< !!!!
I gonna end my industrial training on 31 August 2011.
Today, I go down to the workshop and give away the presents for my 'Shifus'.
Glad that they are happy with the presents.

It is true that it makes one happy when you share something with others :)
So, be sharing and caring on your loved one :]

 P.s: Don't share your boyfriend with others. Haha......


Wednesday 17 August 2011

Life 4

Feel much better now.
My voice is almost back!
Sick sick go away, never never come again....Haha

Nothing special for today.
Again, I miss him so much.
Just know that he is working as a volunteer in Taiwan.

Below is the drawing by him during ours high school time.
He drawn it by my laptop touch pad and saved it in my laptop secretly.
Look very simple but it is not easy to draw by using touchpad not mouse hor.
I know that he spend quite a long time to finish it.

Sorry, I delete his name and my name.
Shy to show my and his real name. Hehe.
Still remember, I am innocent during that time.
Does the drawing have any hidden meaning?

Haiz, time cannot be turned back.


Monday 15 August 2011

Turning Point

A sad weekend and yet a meaningful weekend.
Tears burst out when I am placing an extra dining set on the praying table which is especially for my father.
My mother just beside me.
This time, I wish I have the magic to get my father be alive again but it is impossible.

My voice still haven't recover.
Disappointed by my brother's behaviour and rude manner towards my mother.
My family's situation keep changing so rapidly and unpredictable.
Keeping up growing.

Love U, Mom!
Miss U, Dad! We are living well now........